Friday, July 25, 2008

Update - Latest Doctor's Visit

Hello All,

I had my follow up doctor's appointment yesterday, Thursday the 24th. It went real well. All of my test results came in and they confirmed I do have a heart! Carrie keeps telling me I don't have one, but I knew she had to be wrong! :-)

No surprises really, they came back showing a lot of different vitamin, hormonal, and other markers were off, some by a lot, some by a little. The doctor adjusted a couple of my prescriptions and added a few more supplements. Carrie has to start giving me shots every couple of weeks. I hope she doesn't take any secret enjoyment in that! Actually she gave me my first one at the doctor's office and did great.

Long term prognosis is still looking up. It will be a long and expensive haul, but we will keep at it. I'm somewhat better, don't want to mislead anyone though, I am still very sick. Just better. Thanks to all of you for your love, prayers, emails, and blog comment posts. Keep em' coming! Love you all.


Dad, in case you are rusty, this is my I'M NOT HAPPY LOOK!

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