Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Health Update & Prayer Request

Evening All,

A lot of you have been emailing and calling wanting an update, so here it is. I had been progressively getting better, with the strength coming back a little each day until the first of this week. Monday, I really wasn't feeling well, and was beginning to feel that maybe the condition was flaring again. I tried to shake it off and pretend it wasn't happening only to wake up the next day with no doubts it was coming back with a vengeance. By today (Wednesday, September 10), my arm muscles are failing fast, my legs aren't far behind. I am growing very weak, very fast. Pain is increasing by the day. Again, simple daily tasks, even standing up from a seated position is getting so hard. I know, barring a change, I will be worse than when I entered the hospital within a day or two, at best. This time it is coming on even harder and faster. I feel far more sick and weak. I am unable to sleep, I'm exhausted.

I'm not going to bother everyone with a big prayer request this time. I try not to "overuse" my grace with people. I know many are still praying and there are many who regularly read this blog. I'll just leave it at that. If I'm going to have to live with this condition, I'd better get used to it. For those who are praying, please don't think I don't want you to continue, I just don't want to "dominate" the airwaves if you will. There are many more out there far more in need and worthy of your prayers than I am. God is on His throne. I trust in that. If this is His will for me, than so be it. I don't have to like it, just endure it. I've been sick a very long time, this is certainly far more difficult to endure than my usual struggles, but it is mine to endure none the less.

Your many prayers, calls, emails, cards, and gifts are abundantly appreciated. May the Lord bless each of you. To Him be the glory.


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