Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tired days and Sleepless Nights

Hi from the Mauldins!
Micah, Carrie, Zachary, and Samuel

We sure are enjoying our second week with Samuel, but MAN are we tired! It has been a little hit or miss with his sleeping. He has already slept through the night one night, only to not sleep at all the next night! Go figure?

Sam is feeding well, in fact that is pretty much all he wants to do. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come! I can barely afford to feed his brother!

I don't know if any of you have thought of this yet, but when Zachary graduates high school (2013), little Samuel will be starting Kindergarten! That ought to be a shock to Momma's system! Sort of a twist on the old empty nest situation! Samuel will graduate in the class of 2026. Man am I feeling old! I'll be 55 years old! Carrie says she'll still be 29! :-)

Apparently we are getting quite soft in our old age. When Zachary was little, a couple of hundred years ago, we almost never let him sleep in our bed. We were far too smart to start that bad habit. Of course, Zachary learned to sleep quite well in his baby bed. Now with Samuel on the other hand, all we want is sleep, ssssooooo he finds his quiet little nestled spot between us! I know, I know, bad idea, it will be hard to break when he is older. I KNOW, I KNOW! But, I sure do miss my sleep! :-) Hey Samuel, just snuggle up between Mommy and Daddy and lets go night night!

Here are some more pics:

Oh yeah, he loves me!

It is hard to believe that this one (on the right) was EVER as small as this one (on the left)!

Yep, we may not do much well, but we DO make pretty babies!

A beautiful Momma and her beautiful baby!

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