Carrie continues to improve, still very sore after all of the tearing, but improving. Baby is still quiet, sleeps constantly, and almost never cries. (PRAISE GOD!!!!) :-) He does have quite the temper though, he HATES getting a diaper change, especially the poopy ones!! Man does he get ticked. Other than that, he scarcely ever cries. Tonight, he has been much more animated and a little more fussy, we will see if this is a new trend or just the results of a long day. This ain't our first rodeo, but it has been quite a while since we've been in the arena!!
I'll post a few pics below. Thanks to everyone for the comments. It helps to let us know we haven't been forgotten. Keep em' coming, it is great to hear from all of you! We love you.
(Now you are 13, 5'7" + and eating me out of house and home!)
(Note Zachary's watching eye behind Samuel)
(Note my enormously rotund belly below the baby's head!) :-)
Baby wrapped up, strapped in, and covered up? Check.
Time to head for home!
(Carrie's Mom Donna Bryan at the nursing home)
On that note, we sure are enjoying our new little Samuel. Outside of diaper changes, he is one sweet happy youngin! We are having a blast! We may be a little grayer, and certainly a lot older than last time, but it sure is fun. We never thought this day would come, but who says God doesn't have a sense of humor? And, who says God isn't faithful? In case you didn't know it, Samuel means "God has heard us". He certainly heard our prayers, even the ones we made years and years ago. The scripture says "as arrows in the hands of a mighty man, so are the children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them." Psalm 127:4-5a
God has filled my quiver with two!
God has filled my quiver with two!
Way to go, you little 'tooters'!
Just thought i would say hello. I hope all four of you are doing well and the baby is beautiful. We still love you all.
Vera Smith
The McAdoo's are so happy for you! Thanks again for including us in your emails. We love you all and wish only the best for you. Enjoy every minute with Samuel -- one day you'll blink and he'll be 13 & 5'7"!!!!!!!
Angie, Robbie & Tyler McAdoo
Camden, AR
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