Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Big Busy Day and Some Answered Prayers

Don't worry Mom, I'm getting plenty of sleep today, so we can party hard tonight!

Hey everyone!

Been a busy Saturday so far. We had to go back to the bilirubin clinic this morning, so they could check on his jaundice and his weight. Good news so far, he has shown great improvement in the jaundice and has put on about 1 and 1/2 ounces in 24 hours. Carrie's milk is continuing to pick up, so he is getting more and more. Some feedings, Samuel doesn't even want the supplemental bottles, which means he is getting satisfied. All of that is good news, but please keep up your prayers.

We've had our first house visitors today. My sister Deanna, her husband Mark, her two boys Jordan and Jerry came in from Arkansas. My brother J.R., his wife K.D., and their little girl Jaden who live here in Denton, came over as well. We all went out and ate and then everyone went back home to let their kiddos catch a nap. This afternoon, they will all come back over and go swimming with us. Mom and baby won't be swimming just yet of course! :-)

So, as you can imagine, the munchkin is worn out and will get even more worn out before the evening is over. We hope this makes for a very restful night!!!!

Here are a couple more pictures:

I SAID NO!!!!!!!!

OOOOOHHHHH He's so sweet!!!!!!!!!
(Samuel's cousin Jaden, who llllloooovvveeessss Samuel!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have not seen a Mauldin yet that had trouble putting on weight. Just kidding. We will continue to pray for you and your family. We love you guys and Samuel is so cute, i can not wait to see him in person and hold him. You two did good, not that you did bad with Zach, but samuel is a baby and Zach is becoming a knuckle head teenager. Just kidding, Zach looks pretty proud in the photos, now he will have a good reason to beat up other kids when they mess with his kid brother. Take care, Love you guys.