Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Prayer Request for Micah Mauldin and Family

Hello Everyone,

I know many of you have been praying for me lately, and I can't begin to say how much that means to me. These last few weeks have been the most terrible (physically) of my life. I have seen my quality of life disintegrate before my eyes. What has been a difficult and terrible condition to live with has become an unbearable, worsening nightmare overnight. Symptoms I've had for so long have exploded in severity. The pain, weakness, and loss of mobility have been incredibly bad. Simple daily tasks like going to the restroom, taking a bath, getting in and out of bed, rising from a seated position, even trying to turn over in bed at night have become almost impossible. Pain like I've never known has taken over my life. I've never been weaker. Just picking up anything, even 5 lbs. is painful and nearly impossible. Holding little Samuel is so painful. I've fallen more times than I can count. I have had to rely on Carrie and Zachary just to help me get around the house. My life has become, for lack of a better term, at least physically, a living hell.

I called my doctor yesterday, August 26th and they got me in right away. I spent the better part of the afternoon at the office, seeing my doctor, getting blood work, and therapeutic IVs. Most of you have known that I have known I've had fibromyalgia for several years now. I recently had chronic fatigue syndrome added to the list as well. I still have all of the underlying conditions as well, severe sleep apnea, diverticulosis, etc. Of all that I've learned about my conditions, in trying to understand and combat it, there has always been a missing link in all of it. None of the things that I've been told I've had could explain the severe flair ups I have causing profound weakness and pain in my upper arms /chest and upper legs / hips. My flareups have always been really bad and really unexplained. Fibromyalgia really doesn't account for it. This last flare up has been off of the charts and so severe I've cried, a lot.

Back to the doctor. Today, I was diagnosed (tentatively, but almost to a certainty) with Polymyositis (while still having all of the other little joys of my life) :-). This condition is a progressive muscle waisting disease caused by the bodies' own immune system. There is no cure and no known cause. Sufferers just develop it, they don't know why. About 20 % of sufferers will die within 5 years, but many are able to be treated and avoid the complications that lead to death. The major treatment used is huge doses of steroids that will attack the bodies immune system and stop it from destroying your muscles. The steroids have lots of complications and side effects of course, but it is the first mode of attack. There are other courses of attack for those for whom the steroids don't work.

My doctor feels very optimistic that we have a very good opportunity to slow/stop the disease' progression. In fact, since she has been treating this condition (2 years), all of her patients with polymyositis are holding there own and or improving. None have failed to respond to the therapies she uses. (medicinal and nutritional / natural).

As difficult as this condition is to face and as uncertain as the future appears, just knowing what I'm fighting brings a certain comfort. In fact, I am certain that I won't leave this earth a minute before my appointed time. God is truly on His throne, and if this disease is a part of His purpose for my life, I freely accept that. Not to say I wouldn't take a pass if I could, but it will be what it will be. At least now, I can educate myself, fight the good fight, learn to live with / around the disease and do the best I can to regain a level of comfort and a certain quality of life. Simple goals, baby steps, and lots of patience. All things that I and my family will covet your prayers on. The road will be long, the destination uncertain, the results unclear for some time to come. I am confident of this, God loves me, has a perfect plan, and no bad thing will befall me that He does not allow. I can live with that. I can die with that too, if that is the eventual destination. I'll fight the good fight, live the best I can, and enjoy the time I have, hopefully and I believe confidently that there will be many years ahead. I intend to see my boys become men and someday play with my grandchildren. Hopefully, I'll see them standing up, not just sitting down! :-)

As for prayer, I ask the following:

1. Relief from the disease' terrible symptoms and disabilities.

2. Patience and grace for the whole family, long hard days ahead.

3. Wisdom for the doctor as she works to help me.

4. Protection from the disease' more difficult and permanent ravages and the harsh side effects of the treatments.

5. Wisdom and an open heart to use this experience for God's glory.

6. Strength for my family as they struggle with watching me suffer and worry about what the future holds.

7. Financial grace to bear the incredible costs associated with fighting this disease.

I know this is a lot to ask you to pray for, but I am selfish in this, I covet your prayers and I'm not hesitant to ask you for them!

I'm not afraid. That isn't bragging, it is faith. The scripture says "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear:"1 John 4:18a Christ is perfect, His love is perfect. This much I know, as Paul said about his sufferings for the gospel, "For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." 2 Timothy 1:12. Now certainly my sufferings are nothing compared to his, nothing compared to what others endure, but they are what they are and I trust my Lord completely. I am fully persuaded that He truly is able, of that I am certain! To God be the glory.

Thank you in advance for your prayers,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Micah; My name is Mike and am a brother in the Lord Praise God!! I was so excited to see your Blog spot (or what ever you call this!) you can tell I'm one of the old ones! Not just that we are brothers in the Lord as if that was not enough, but I also have Polymyositis! Isn't that great!! I've been retired with it for about 5yrs now. What a great opportunity to be able to talk with you!! God is sovereign over ALL even this, of course. And in His providence He brings the lives of His saints together, for His Glory, and our good! I'll be keeping you in prayer from this moment on. But know this up front things are not as dire as they may seem, with Polymyositis. Any way I hope to hear from you soon! Let me know if you can what your CPK level is. What you're taking (meds at this time) I've been on almost everything so far1 Also look up Google Will Downing I think his name is, he's a jass singer and I believe a brother also. Much to say, but its late here. Would love to hear from you. Brother in Christ.....Mike