Saturday, August 30, 2008

Micah Mauldin Hospital Update

Dear friends,

Wanted to send out an update on my situation. Many of you received the first prayer request on Thursday about my worsening condition. Some of you didn't, so I'll try to bring you up to speed.

Over the last month, I've been really struggling with intense pain and worsening muscle weakness, especially in the upper legs / hips and upper arms / chest muscles. On Wednesday my doctor saw me and quickly came up with an idea of what might be happening, a condition known as polymyositis, a degenerative muscle waisting disease, which in some cases can be fatal. She started me on an intense regimen of steroids to try to beat it back, but my condition continued to plummet overnight. By the second morning, I was no longer able to stand unassisted and without great pain and difficulty. I must have help from at least two people. I cannot lift my hands over my head, carry anything, lift anything, not even a gallon of milk. Not to mention my baby. Walking is extraordinarily difficult, being only able to shuffle along and for very short distances. I have no strength in these muscles and the pain is unbearable. Breathing is labored and difficult at times.

Friday my doctor sent me into the hospital. I am in Baylor, downtown Dallas. Over the last 24 hours the condition has continued to worsen. I am completely unable to get out of bed without help, cannot care for myself in anyway. Fortunately the fingers still work, so I am able to type this, though it hurts greatly. My arms are giving out quickly. They are running untold numbers of tests. There is much uncertainty right now, at least from our eyes, not the Lord's of course. Some of the things this can be can be fatal, some are life changing and permanent. We just don't know yet. If the condition keeps worsening, I'll no longer be able to walk very soon. I'll be in a wheel chair. Carrie is staying with me, our boys are with a friend. Pray for Carrie, she is trying to stay strong, we all are, but it is very scary and very hard to take. To be 36 years old and this close to complete helplessness is hard to bear. We trust fully in the Lord's care and provision, but of course it doesn't mean the road ahead is not long and a dark journey. Your prayers, love, and friendship continue to be greatly appreciated. May the Lord bless you all and to Him be the glory.

Thank you,


If you have not seen our family blog, go to for more updates and detailed information about what is happening. We thank you all for your many prayers, calls, and emails. They really serve to lift our spirits. Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Micah; Check the comments on the 27th....MY BIRTHDAY!!....Mike

Anonymous said...

Hi, Micah; My email is Would love to talk......Mike