Wednesday, April 23, 2008

One Week Birthday

Can you believe anyone could be this darn cute???

Its hard to believe that Samuel is a week old already. He is already starting to show elements of his personality. His face is so expressive. Of course his most obvious personality trait is that of his temper!! Man does that kid hate having his diaper changed! It is the most blood curdling, red faced, explosive temper I have ever seen in a new born. I find it rather hilarious! :-) Of course, that will be far less funny in the months to come!

His jaundice is much improved and his weight continues to pick up. He weighed 7 lbs 7.4 oz yesterday. That is about a 3 oz pickup in 4 days. He continues to eat constantly. He will latch onto just about anything that comes within striking distance of his mouth! He has latched onto the tip of my nose a couple of times. I just tell him, "there is nothing but disappointment there boy!" :-)

I gave Samuel a new nickname tonight, it is "Ted Temper". When Zachary was little, we used nicknames to coax him in and or out of whatever behavior we didn't like. We just use this one because it is funny! Zachary was "Walter Whiner", "Harvey Helpless", "Peter Pouter", etc. All of these were in good fun of course!

I know from our experience with Zachary, that all of this goes much too fast. Carrie and I were just talking the other day, that we won't be wishing the milestones to come any faster this time. We'll just soak up every day, every experience, every little joy and struggle. He'll be thirteen soon enough! (Sorry Zachary, but it is true!) Seriously, Zachary is a phenomenal young man. He is so smart, very respectful, well behaved, and an awesome big brother. No doubt he is STILL thirteen and he certainly has his Hallmark moments where his mouth overloads his hindparts, but he is still one awesome kiddo. If Samuel grows up to be like his big brother, we'll be blessed.

Speaking of the Dynamic Duo, here are some great pictures of the two of them:

Oh yeah, I love this!

Man, I hope they don't make me change this stinky diaper!

This big brother stuff is pretty cool!

Yep Big Brother, you don't know it yet,
but I'm planning on getting into your stuff and breaking as much of it as I can!

1 comment:

Gail said...

The pic of Zack and Sam really show the ol' Mauldin feet. Got to admit though, the kid is cute...must take after Carrie.
Keep up the blog. I've been enjoying seeing the pics and the comments...Gail