It's hard to believe, but Samuel is 4 weeks old today! I can't believe this first month has gone by so fast. He is growing fast and plumping up nicely. We Mauldin's don't usually have any trouble plumping up! :-) His appetite has really picked up the last week or so. He is still breast feeding quite a bit, and we supplement him about four bottles of formula/pumped breast milk a day. Between the two, he is doing great!
It has been really neat for me to be home for Samuel's first month of life. I worked so much when Zachary was born, that much of it is a blur. I worked 70-100 hours a week in my secular job and pastored a church about half the size of Hickory Street. Needless to say, I wasn't home very much. This time, I've been here for everything, and it is really cool. As most of you know, we own our own business and work at home. With my health the way it is, I can't really do much else. I can't hold up to the rigors of pastoring or secular work outside the home anymore. As hard as the health struggles are, it has offered me a pretty unique opportunity. I plan on making the most of it! Of course, I also get to be here when Zachary goes to school, and be here when he gets home. That is pretty cool too!
My health also makes it pretty hard to travel, we haven't been home since Christmas. Between the fibromyalgia and the constant seizures, we don't much go anywhere. I say this, because quite a few of you have asked us about when we would be coming to Texarkana. I know many of you would love to see Carrie and the kiddos. I wish I could say when we will be in, but I'm not sure. We would love to see everyeone. I had an invitation to preach close to home, but had to pass that up as well. We'll come in when we can, probably some time early this summer. Carrie could come in without me, but she doesn't like to leave me alone very much with my seizures being as bad as they are. My Dad has bought a new home, and we haven't even seen it. My Mom still hasn't gotten to see the baby! She came in for the birth, but it took so long for little britches to get here, she had to go back home and open their business up the next day. So far, she has only seen pictures! (I know, bad son, bad son!) :-) We'll be in when we can.
If you think about us, continue to pray for Carrie, as she tries to juggle a newborn, a teenager, a very sick husband, and a home business. Oh yeah, we also keep a couple of kids on the side. Her plate is very full these days as you can imagine! Pray for Samuel that he will continue to grow and be healthy. Pray for Zachary that he will continue to grow into the fine young man he is becoming. Pray for me that I will be well enough to help provide for our family. I contribute to our business what I can, but it isn't much these days. I don't much care what happens to me, but I just can't bear to see Carrie having to bear so much of this load. I am having 3 to 4 seizures a day and the fibro is out of control. The pain is so bad most days, I can barely get moving. I work as much as I can, but usually wind up in bed with the seizures. They take hours to recover from. Carrie has entirely too much on her right now. Pray for her.
Here are some recent pictures, enjoy!
I love you Daddy!
Zachary's friend Blake, our "other son!"
(OK, this picture has absolutely no historical or family value, but Carrie didn't think I had the guts to post it!) :-) Love you all!
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